Sunday, April 11, 2010

Exam 2 Essay Images and Exam 2 Study Guide

Exam 2 Study Guide


pastel monotype
gesso suicide block printing
glazing technique intaglio printmaking
sans serif fresco
collage sfumato
graphic design relief technique
medium stippling
reduction print silkscreen
typography serif
camera obscura prints
underpainting mosaic
Other Areas of Study
Impasto technique and Van Gogh
Andy Warhol and silkscreen
different methods of intaglio printmaking
airbrushing and synthetic paint media
Edgar Degas’s work in pastels
Cai Guo-Qiang’s drawings
advantages/disadvantages of oil vs. acrylic paint
woodcut vs. wood engraving 
Essay Topics
You will be asked to write a short essay describing the importance of one of the following paintings:
The Lamentation by Giotto c. 1305-06
The Arnolfini Wedding Portrait by Jan van Eyck c. 1434
The Garden of Delights by Hieronymus Bosch c.1510-15
The Virgin (or Madonna) of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci c.1485
The Calling of St. Matthew by Caravaggio 1596
Pick one to memorize facts about and be prepared to discuss in essay form on the exam.  Items to include would be what time period of art history the work belongs to, facts that make the painting worthy of continued study, materials used to create the work, and possible scholarly interpretations.

The Lamentation by Giotto  c. 1305-06

The Arnolfini Wedding Portrait  by Jan Van Eyck  c.1434

The Garden of Delights  by Hieronymus Bosch  c. 1510-15

The Virgin (or Madonna) of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci c. 1485

The Calling of St. Matthew by Caravaggio 1596 

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